Ep. 38 Writing and Editing a Self-Published Book
While self-publishing is often seen as a lesser form of publishing, thought to be unpolished, and oftentimes not taken seriously, there are always ways to combat that! You don’t need to wait for a traditional publisher to approve that your idea is worthy of being out in the world. Your audience needs your expertise now! […]
Ep. 37 Tenacity and Success In Writing with Suzy Vitello
In previous episodes, we’ve discussed the many parts and routes a writing career can include and take.We’ve talked about writing groups, different ways to make money as a writer, traditional publishing vs. self-publishing, and many other topics to help you thrive in your writing career.Today’s episode covers a lot of these topics! Think of it […]
Ep. 36 Finding and Training Beta Readers for Your Book
Finding the right beta readers is key if you’re actually serious about publishing your writing one day. However, it is important to make sure that you not only choose the right beta readers but train them so you can get useful feedback that helps improve your book.Beta readers are a crucial part of the book […]
Ep. 22 How to Find a Writing Group and Why You Need One
Writing is a lonely endeavor, but it doesn’t have to be. Finding the right writing support and surrounding yourself with like-minded people can help you get the most out of your writing journey and see your project through to completion. While there are hundreds of writing groups and communities out there, only a few of […]