Have you ever thought about turning your book into a course?
Creative entrepreneur Parchelle Tashi joins Lauren on the show today to talk all things course building! But hey, not just any type of course. We’re talking about a course based on your book. The type of course that will allow you to build an ecosystem around your writing and turn your readers into loyal fans.
Parchelle is also passionate about business and entrepreneurship. She understands what goes into producing high-quality, profitable online courses for writers, and in this episode, she shares how building a community around your book can help you grow both as a business owner and writer.
Thank you so much for tuning in today! If you haven’t listened to episode 50 where Lauren brings back your favorite episodes from season 2, then go back and check it out!
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In this episode, we cover:
-How to turn your book into a course.
-The benefits of building a course around your book.
-When to start considering creating a course for your book.
-Steps to create an online course for your book.
-Types of courses.
-What an online course looks like.
-Tips for keeping students engaged in an online course.
Resources and links mentioned during this episode:
-Visit Parchelle’s website at www.teachfirstclass.com and connect with her via LinkedIn.
-Check out her 1:1 Course Planning Workshop HERE.
-Free ticket to Parchelle’s Masterclass: www.teachfirstclass.com/masterclass (Use Code VIP).
-Get on the waitlist for the Write Your Friggin’ Book Already™! We open back up in February.
-Jumpstart Your Writing Routine in Just 10 Minutes a Day for 10 Days. Join the Write More Challenge today!
–90 Min For 90 Days: The Positive Results Daily Journal Book by Kirk Berry.
–The Millionaire Master Plan by Roger Hamilton.
Book recommendation of the week:
–All books from Patricia Cornwell.
Love audiobooks? Listen on Libro.fm and support independent bookstores. Plus, use this link and we both get a free audiobook: http://libro.fm/referral?rf_code=lfm116869
Wondering why we don’t link to Amazon? Check out Episode 2 of the Business School for Writers Podcast to hear all about how supporting independent bookstores helps you see more stories like yours out in the world.
About Parchelle:
Parchelle Tashi is a former high school math teacher, turned creative entrepreneur, and award-winning video producer. With 10+ years of production experience with well-known brands and teams, she’s sought out for her expertise in video production, online education, and business growth. Parchelle currently resides in San Diego, serving as co-founder and Education Design Architect at the 36,000’ a course creation agency that specializes in converting bestselling books into profitable online courses.
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