Have you ever been told you need to find your own solid voice as a writer? That essence that makes your writing unique and distinguishable from the rest and that your teachers talked about in your first day of creative-writing classes.
In today’s solo episode, Lauren delves into what voice is, what isn’t, and what it means to find your voice in writing.
Do you think you’ll still struggle to find your voice after all of this?
Don’t worry! Lauren also shares great advice on what you can do if you feel stuck and talks about why mimicking other people’s voices can not only help in the process of finding yours but also make you a lot of money!
Ready to determine what your voice is as a writer and find your own unique style?
If you want to chat more about this topic, we would love to continue this conversation with you over on Instagram!
Thank you so much for tuning in today! If you haven’t listened to episode 45 where Lauren and Social Strategist, Kia Young, talk about social media tips for writers, then go back and check it out!
We want to know who you are and where you’ve been! Come join the School for Writers Academy and connect with Lauren over on Instagram @laurenmariefleming. We can’t wait to chat with you there!
You can also stay tuned for new weekly episodes @schoolforwriters, and if you want to spread the love even further, consider following, rating, and reviewing!
Resources mentioned in this episode:
-Are you ready to start, build, and foster your mailing list? Go to schoolforwriters.com/mailinglists to learn how!
-Want to learn more about the 5 main elements of the craft of writing? Check out episode 34: How to Become a Better Writer.
-Check out the Write Your Frigging Book Already™ program HERE!
-Join the School for Writers Academy and start building a thriving writing career today!
Book recommendation of the week:
–The Calling: 3 Fundamental Shifts to Stay True, Get Paid, and Do Good by Rha Goddess.
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Wondering why we don’t link to Amazon? Check out Episode 2 of the Business School for Writers Podcast to hear all about how supporting independent bookstores helps you see more stories like yours out in the world.