Ep. 49 Building a Niche as a Writer with Katie Treggiden
Have you ever heard of circular economies? Don’t worry, we hadn’t either until this episode!A circular economy aims to close the gap between the production and the natural ecosystems’ cycles – on which humans ultimately depend upon. Today’s guest, Katie Treggiden is an expert on this topic. She is also a keynote speaker, podcaster, and if […]
Ep. 37 Tenacity and Success In Writing with Suzy Vitello
In previous episodes, we’ve discussed the many parts and routes a writing career can include and take.We’ve talked about writing groups, different ways to make money as a writer, traditional publishing vs. self-publishing, and many other topics to help you thrive in your writing career.Today’s episode covers a lot of these topics! Think of it […]
Ep. 34 How to Become a Better Writer
What makes you a better writer? Practicing your craft. But what is craft and how do you practice it? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, craft is defined as the skill in planning, making, or executing. An occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or artistic skill. In today’s episode, Lauren delves into the 5 main elements […]
Ep. 33 Money Tips for Writers with Erin Skye Kelly
Today, Lauren is joined by money mindset and transformational coach, Erin Skye Kelly.Erin teaches people how to transform their lives through their relationships to health, money, and each other through keynote speaking, online courses, her podcast Get The Hell Out Of Debt, and her nerd crew: Achievement Club! In this episode, Lauren and Erin discuss […]
Ep. 32 45 Ways to Make Money as a Writer
Do you dream of being a full-time writer but doubt this is possible?Did you know people are making a living by following their love for writing? Writing is a valid career. Making money as a writer is possible. And there are more ways than you might think!In today’s episode, Lauren shares 45 ways you can […]