Finding the right beta readers is key if you’re actually serious about publishing your writing one day. However, it is important to make sure that you not only choose the right beta readers but train them so you can get useful feedback that helps improve your book.
Beta readers are a crucial part of the book writing process. They’re basically the very first people that read your book other than you!
In today’s episode, Lauren talks about the exciting yet terrifying moment when you hand your book over to its first set of readers.
She covers how to find beta readers for your book and how to train them to give the best possible feedback that moves your book forward on its path to publish and makes it the best book possible.
You might want to share this episode with your beta readers as she also goes over important questions to ask yourself before, during, and after the beta reading process and shares 5 tips for being a helpful test reader.
Are you in this middle part of the book writing process and need help finding beta readers? Join a writing group like the School for writers Academy and start building a thriving writing career today!
Thank you so much for tuning in today! If you haven’t listened to episode 35 where Lauren and Kavita Das talk about writing about social issues, then go back and check it out!
We want to know who you are and where you’ve been! Come hang out with Lauren in the Writers Squad Facebook group and over on Instagram @laurenmariefleming. We can’t wait to chat with you there!
You can also stay tuned for new weekly episodes @schoolforwriters, and if you want to spread the love even further, consider following, rating, and reviewing!
Resources mentioned in this episode:
-Get on the waitlist for The School For Writers Academy! A new program coming in June 2021. Spaces will be limited!
-For more on the importance Writing groups check out episode 22: How to Find a Writing Group and Why You Need One
-Want to learn more about the editing process? Then check out episode 5: 3 Steps to Making Sure Your Book is Ready to be Published.
Book Recommendation of the week:
–Writing Workshop; A Guide to Creating a Culture of Useful Feedback by Francesca Grossman.
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Wondering why we don’t link to Amazon? Check out Episode 2 of the Business School for Writers Podcast to hear all about how supporting independent bookstores helps you see more stories like yours out in the world.