Want to write a book but lack motivation when it comes to sitting down and actually writing it?
In today’s episode, Lauren goes through her 11 stages of writing a book!
Now, while this step-by-step guide is super easy to follow, the real magic happens when you have mentors, peers, and a group of people with a common goal to support you in your writing journey.
Throughout this episode, you’ll hear Lauren talk about how to find inspiration and ideas for your book, how to choose beta readers and why you need them, how being part of a writing group can make all the difference in your writing career, what a professional book editor is, and much more!
Are you looking for accountability so you can hit your writing goals?
If so, check out the Write Your Friggin’ Book Already™ program where Lauren will help you go from idea to publishable book!
Thank you so much for tuning in today! If you haven’t listened to episode 22 where Lauren talks about how to find a writing group and why you need one, then go back and check it out!
We want to know who you are and where you’ve been! Come hang out with Lauren in the Writers Squad Facebook group and over on Instagram @laurenmariefleming. We can’t wait to chat with you there!
You can also stay tuned for new weekly episodes @schoolforwriters, and if you want to spread the love even further, consider subscribing, rating, and reviewing!
Resources mentioned in this episode:
-Want the step-by-step guide and start writing today? Download it HERE!
Book recommendation of the week:
Tipping The Velvet by Sarah Waters
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Wondering why we don’t link to Amazon? Check out Episode 2 of the Business School for Writers Podcast to hear all about how supporting independent bookstores helps you see more stories like yours out in the world.
When I told somebody that I was going to give you all my step-by-step guide to writing a book, they told me I was crazy.
“Isn’t that what you teach in your Write Your Friggin’ Book Already program?” He said,” Why would people then go pay for the program if you’re giving it away for free?”
Here’s the thing: more than anything else in this world, I want you to write a book. So, if you listen to this episode, go off and write a book using what I teach you here, then hell yes, I’m happy.
However, let me tell you a little story first about this time I decided to run a marathon.
I was sitting at a Kinko’s back in the day, and I saw an advertisement for the AIDS Marathon. You would run 26.2 miles and raise $3000 and help support HIV prevention and AIDS research.
That sounded like literal hell to me. Not the raising money part, I was very supporting of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the amazing work they had done for my community and communities around the world, but running 26.2 miles. PSsssh. My butt almost failed PE.
Running was legit the worst thing in the world to me.
But for some silly reason, I did it, I took the flyer and I signed up.
A couple weeks later, there I was in way too much spandex at way too early in the morning, standing in a foggy and cold Golden Gate Park, ready to run.
I was in the last group, the slowest runners, and I was surrounded by other people who wondered why the heck they decided to do this crazy marathon thing. And every step we took, every slow mile we ran, we all laughed, cried, and commiserated about how we were insane for decided to run a marathon.
But here’s the thing: we weren’t insane. And this wasn’t crazy. Running a marathon is hard AF, but it’s also pretty amazing. It takes you through mental and physical challenges, connecting you with your body and mind in ways I never knew possible.
That group, we all grew together on our common goal. I’m still friends with all of them, even lived with one of them as my roommate for a year.
Connecting together over a common goal, it’s a life-changing experience. One that, to this day, is something I lean on and remember during hard times.
Everything detail I needed on how to run a marathon is out there in the world. I could have read hundreds of books, looked online for some free guide, and gone and ran a marathon myself.
But hahahahahahah if you know me, you know that’s impossible.
My butt was never going to get up at 6am on a Saturday to run in the rain on my own. No, I needed a group of people waiting for me, who would come to my door and knock it down if I didn’t show up.
I needed mentors and peers and a common goal for us all to gather around.
When I went to finally finish my first novel a few months later, I used what I learned from running a marathon to write a book.
I got myself a step-by-step guide, yes.
But I also got myself accountability, camaraderie, and a group of people with a common goal.
That was the first round of Write Your Friggin’ Book Already. My own personal program I created for myself.
Now, I teach that program to people like you, people longing to write a book.
Yes, I’m about to tell you all the steps you need to write a book, but you’re still going to have to find the accountability, camaraderie, and group of people with a common goal as well.
So, think about that group as we get into these steps on how to write a book.
Okay, ready to dive in? Let’s go!
Step 1: Your Crappy First Draft
Dump it all out.
Step 2: Gathering
Gather more ideas
Step 3: Your Slightly-Less-Crappy Second Draft
Add on what you gathered.
Step 4: Your Third Draft
Read through.
Step 5: Gathering
Think. Pause. Find a printing house.
Step 6: Fourth Draft
Print it out and read it through
Step 7: Beta-Reading Round 1
Get other eyes on it
Step 8: Gathering
Think about what your beta readers said, filter it through your dreams and vision for this book.
Step 9: Fifth Draft
Implement the changes you want from feedback.
Step 10: Beta-Reading Round 2
Final suggestions.
Step 11: Finesse And Prepare for Line Editing
This is for those last little touches before you send it off to an editor who will look at line by line details.
After that — it’s ready to go out! Either to be self-published or to agents to try to get a traditional publisher.
That’s it.
Seems easy, right?
Honestly, it is! Writing a book step-by step is very easy. You know what’s not easy? Getting yourself to take those steps. Motivating yourself to wake up early or give up Netflix at night.
Keeping going when you feel like your book is crap.
Knowing what needs to change and what should stay the same.
Feeling lonely and bored when you write.
That is not easy. That’s what That’s what makes the book writing process hard.
That is why you need more than just the steps, you need a whole program to support you, hold you accountable, and get you to Write Your Friggin’ Book Already.
It is time to stop procrastinating, and start writing.
It is time to get your butt in that chair and take the steps you need to take to make your writing dreams a reality.
It’s time to Write Your Friggin’’ Book Already.
You could do it on your own, but why would you want to? Life is better with friends. Going at it alone is possible, but having someone along for the ride is priceless.
Writing your book with an amazing cohort of fellow authors over the next year will transform your life.
Apply today at WriteYourFrigginBookAlready.com.
Because the world needs your story now more than ever.
Applications close March 5 — that’s so soon! So head on over to WriteYourFrigginBookAlready.com and apply today.
Because I cannot wait to read your book.